Monday, May 18, 2020

Diversity in the Workplace - 5164 Words

Diversity in the Workplace Table of Contents Introduction 1 Importance of Diversity 1-2 Avoiding Discrimination EEO 2-4 Affirmative Action 4 Types of Diversity 4-5 Recruitment, Selection, Retention 5-6 Managing Diversity 7 Measuring Diversity 7-8 Inclusion 8-9 Conclusion 9 References i Creating and Maintaining Diversity in the Workplace Introduction: Diversity is one of the most important aspects of an organization. According to Webster’s Dictionary, diversity is â€Å"the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization.† The effort must be put forth to create and maintain a diverse work environment. The process is not over at the hiring†¦show more content†¦The example given was a company that the majority of customers were Hispanics. After the organization hired a Hispanic direct for that target market, profits increased drastically in less than one year. The director was able to have a better understanding of the needs of that specific market of customers. The diversity that different types of employees bring to the table can help an organization benefit both in the short and long term. Avoiding Discrimination EEO One of the most important aspects that a company must focus on is to avoid any discriminating practices. Discrimination could cause a potential, current, or former employee to bring legal action against the organization. These types of lawsuits or accusations are costly in terms of time and money. There is a possibility for frivolous lawsuits to be brought about by disgruntled employees, but having direct practices and procedures in place to avoid discrimination could reduce this risk. An organization can avoid a bad reputation and lawsuits if all employees are engaged in non-discriminatory activities. Over the years, the United States Government has enacted laws and regulations. These were put into law to create consequences for those engaged in discrimination and protect those who have been discriminated against. During the 1960’s the U.S. government took huge leaps towards endingShow MoreRelatedDiversity In The Workplace. . Diversity In The Workplace990 Words   |  4 Pag esDiversity in the Workplace Diversity in the workplace is imperative even though some commentators argue that too much diversity can be negative. Diversity can lead to staff feeling ‘threatened or even annoyed by persons with views and backgrounds different from their own’ (Barsoux, Strebel and Manzoni, 2010). Instead of inclusivity, diversity can end up causing conflicts, as some staff are reluctant in changing their viewpoints and are less adaptable to change. The discourse relating to diversityRead MoreDiversity Of Diversity At The Workplace942 Words   |  4 PagesIn this week’s integrated article, review, I am focusing on diversity at the workplace. This is a topic very relevant and important for any organizations success. Diversity at the workplace refers to any characteristic that makes people different from one another. Today’s workforce is a diverse mix in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, generational attitudes. It is important for an organization to adopt diversity management practices to bring this diverse mix together into a stable productive unitRead MoreWorkplace Diversity And The Workplace853 Words   |  4 PagesWorkplace Diversity Many outstanding articles, books, journals and papers have been written regarding the topic of workforce diversity. Some are relatively short papers such as Diversity in the Workplace published by the University of Florida, and seek to provide the reader with a basic understanding of what is meant by workplace diversity, as well as the potential benefits to both employers and employees alike. Other resources can be significantly more in-depth and explore subtopics of workplaceRead MoreDiversity At Workplace Diversity Within The Workplace3281 Words   |  14 Pages1.0 Diversity at workplace Diversity is a very extensive subject and can be in any genre or class; it is difficult to categorize because of its complex nature. According to Res (2012), diversity can be represented as a variety of human aspects pertaining to different societies and cultures in the workforce or can be explained tolerating the differences. On the contrary, diversity is a quest of differences among human beings in safe, positive and nurturing surroundings and moves beyond simple toleranceRead MoreWorkplace Diversity Of The Workplace965 Words   |  4 PagesJob’s face many struggles and challenges each and every day. Workplace diversity is something which is being talked about the most here lately. Out breaks of minimum wage, sexualities, gender, and even your skin color affects what diversity a business would want. Within the business, the professional level is set pretty high due to the superior designers making us able to dress well fashioned. When people step into a business they do not want someone that is going to walk in with a t-shirt and gymRead MoreDiversity in the Workplace964 Words   |  4 PagesRunning head: DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE Abstract Select (highlight) this text and then begin typing your abstract, which should be limited to one paragraph of not more than 120 words A Survey of Organizational Culture and its Effectiveness on Managing Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the workplace is a relatively new concept that has been attracting considerable attention from the executives of most businesses. â€Å"Ongoing demographic trends (increasing percentages of African-AmericansRead MoreThe Diversity At The Workplace747 Words   |  3 PagesThomas (1992) entails the diversity at workplace in terms of all ancestry, ethnicity, age, gender, race, educational background, sexual orientation, marital status, religious belief, income, geographic location and work experience. The mobility in human resource trend is emerging within the competitive market that requires more strategic role on account of human resource management. Organizations may fall in dire consequences of outplaying by other competitors in strategic employment. Nowadays, workforceRead MoreDiversity in the Workplace1096 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE Diversity in the Workplace Amber Barger ORG536 – Contemporary Business Writing and Communication Colorado State University –Global Campus Dr. Phillip Jackson November 26, 2013 DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE As companies start to regain their footing after the recent economic downturn, 2 factors such as the rising number of immigrants, mergers of large corporations, the popular use of temporary workers and the increasing globalization of business,Read MoreDiversity in the Workplace714 Words   |  3 PagesDiversity in the Workplace Introduction Workplaces are becoming increasingly diverse, and this is a dynamic that is causing some tension between and among employees. What are the positives and negatives of diversity in the workplace? America is a place with a great diversity of cultures, but sometimes in the workplace cultural values can clash and this paper discusses the why and how of those issues. The Literature Why are workplaces becoming more diverse, and why does diversity in a companyRead MoreDiversity in the Workplace1465 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Diversity in the Workplace As stated in our book, workplace diversity is defined as â€Å"diversity at work means having a workface comprised of two or more groups of employees with various racial, ethic, gender, cultural, national origin, handicap, age, and religious backgrounds†. There are many positives and also negatives of diversity in the workplace. Some of the negatives from workplace diversity are stereotyping, discrimination, tokenism, ethnocentrism, and also gender- role stereotypes. Some

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