Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What Is A Renewable Energy - 1793 Words

What is a Renewable Energy? How is it created? Is it similar to fossil fuels? Is it a green initiative? What is unique and original about it? Is it an asset or is it a liability to the economy and ecology? Why should we care? And last but not least, is it possible for the whole world (developing and developed countries) to turn their energy production sector from fossil fuels to renewable energy? This paper will be answering all of these questions. As the global population grows, the energy supply needs to meet the demand. Ever since Industrial Revolution (the 1800s), we have been using coal and oil to produce energy for our day to day needs. However, this revolution created a severe way to pollute our ecology through the release of greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions - causing global warming and climate change effects which have been experienced all around the world. As the technology grew with our knowledge regarding energy consumption and production we have developed a new, gre en and safe way to produce energy. Since fossil fuels is a fatal and finite resource which will run out inevitably, we need to turn our attention towards the renewable energy initiative. Renewable energy is a sustainable source of energy which uses modern technology to obtain clean energy from natural resources, from such as the wind, sunlight, waterfall and etc (I shall explain each in details furthermore). Therefore, I shall be discussing how a sustainable energy system is possible if weShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Meant By Renewable Energy Source?1685 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is meant by renewable energy source? A renewable energy is naturally regenerated over a short time scale and received directly from the sun. 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The United States would benefit greatly from discovering more innovative ways to produce these

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