Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What Is A Renewable Energy - 1793 Words

What is a Renewable Energy? How is it created? Is it similar to fossil fuels? Is it a green initiative? What is unique and original about it? Is it an asset or is it a liability to the economy and ecology? Why should we care? And last but not least, is it possible for the whole world (developing and developed countries) to turn their energy production sector from fossil fuels to renewable energy? This paper will be answering all of these questions. As the global population grows, the energy supply needs to meet the demand. Ever since Industrial Revolution (the 1800s), we have been using coal and oil to produce energy for our day to day needs. However, this revolution created a severe way to pollute our ecology through the release of greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions - causing global warming and climate change effects which have been experienced all around the world. As the technology grew with our knowledge regarding energy consumption and production we have developed a new, gre en and safe way to produce energy. Since fossil fuels is a fatal and finite resource which will run out inevitably, we need to turn our attention towards the renewable energy initiative. Renewable energy is a sustainable source of energy which uses modern technology to obtain clean energy from natural resources, from such as the wind, sunlight, waterfall and etc (I shall explain each in details furthermore). Therefore, I shall be discussing how a sustainable energy system is possible if weShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Meant By Renewable Energy Source?1685 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is meant by renewable energy source? A renewable energy is naturally regenerated over a short time scale and received directly from the sun. Renewable energy does not include energy resources that come from gasoline, natural gas or oil, waste products from fossil sources or waste products from not related to living sources. List the different types of renewable energy sources Solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric power, bioenergy, geothermal energy, ocean energy and water energy. ExplainRead MoreWhat Is The Impact Of Renewable Energy, And What Is It Has Increase In Distribution Network?954 Words   |  4 Pagesnetwork I. INTRODUCTION Due to growing environmental concerns, adoption of policies favoring renewables and governments incentivizing renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind, these are expected to become larger part of our energy profile in the next couple of decades. (grid impacts†¦) Renewable energy is the fundamental and growing part of world’s energy transformation. Figure 1 shows the renewable electricity capacity growth by technology and it can be observed that a significant growthRead MoreWhat Are Your Recommendations For Using Fossil Fuels And Renewable Energy Sources?912 Words   |  4 Pages1. What are your recommendations for using fossil fuels and renewable energy sources? The United States currently uses approximately one quarter of the world’s total energy consumption (Toossi). With around 322 million people inhabiting the United States, our population accounts for just fewer than 5% of the total world population. That means that our 5% of the world’s population is using 25% of the world’s energy! Something has to be done. To begin to understand why, we need to break down ourRead MoreRenewable Energy And The Global Warming1542 Words   |  7 PagesThe Earth is dying at an extreme rate and will continue to do so unless we switch to renewable energy, to help fight and prevent the effects of using fossil fuels. Many people will say that we need to switch to renewable energy and that our planet is suffering from global warming, while others will say that global climate change is a natural occurring event that does not to be worried about. Many people in the modern generation have grown up with a big emphasis on how we need to change our dailyRead MoreA Brief Note On Hydro Quebec And The Largest Electricity Company1630 Words   |  7 Pages What is Hydro-Quebec? Hydro-Quebec is the biggest electricity company in Quebec, it is one of the biggest electricity company in North America and it is one of the leading companies of hydropower in the world. Hydropower is one of sustainable energy resources and it plays a very important role to protect our environment.The company was founded in April 14, 1994. After more than seventy years’ development, about 99 percent of electricity that Hydro-Quebec generated is by Hydropower. Hydro-Quebec’sRead MoreThe Effects Of Drilling On Offshore Drilling1667 Words   |  7 Pagesoffshore drilling must be more strictly regulated, and a shift towards clean, renewable energy must be made. In light of this disaster this is a controversial claim due to the United States current reliance on offshore drilling and the scandalously close relationship between oil companies and the agency that regulates them. Although Americans benefit from offshore drilling with cheaper oil prices and affordable energy, an d companies benefit from loose regulations with high profitability, ecosystemsRead MoreThe Current Open Economy Of America Essay1490 Words   |  6 Pagespertains to government, influence the growth of the renewable energy industry in Australia and America. Overview of the Renewable Energy Industry in Australia The Clean Energy Council (2013), in a report on clean energy in Australia, reported that in 2013, renewable energy accounted for over 14% of Australia’s total power. Consequently, as the Clean Energy Council (2013) continues to state, more than 4.4 million households received utilized renewable energy power sources. Generally, the use of electricityRead MoreAlternative Sources of Renewable Energy Essay1629 Words   |  7 Pagesthe need for energy is growing as well. We are accustomed to using fossil fuels as our central source of energy for everyday uses. Fossil fuels are a natural matter that is found in the ground of the Earth formed in a previous time period millions of years ago that are nonrenewable and are used for energy today. Fossil fuels have to be burned in order to produce energy. When nonrenewable resources have been used, they cannot restock themselves or ever be used again. Renewable energy is a supplyRead MoreRenewable Energy Through Feed On Tariffs And Taxes1263 Words   |  6 Pagesnot nonrenewable energy such as fossil fuel has caused global warming. Sakamoto and Managi (2016) believe fossil fuel is the likely reason that temperatures have been rising from greenhouse gases, increasing the CO2 emissions (p. 1). With depleting resources, it may be a good idea to look more seriously at renewable energy (Sakamoto Managi, 2016, p. 16). More governments have been trying to create policies to encourage usage of renewable energy. However, it has been debated what is the best wayRead MoreHow Technology Has Tremendous Positive Spillover Effects On The United States1631 Words   |  7 PagesWith all different forms of green technology, the one that can end up affecting the U.S. the greatest is renewable energy. Long term, renewable energy will cost less, making energy consumption cheaper, and in turn making production increasingly cost effective. With green energy being a cutting-edge technological field, it will take a great deal o f innovation and creativity to create superior green products. The United States would benefit greatly from discovering more innovative ways to produce these

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Top Secret Details About Looking for a Student to Write My Paper That Many People Do Not Know About

The Top Secret Details About Looking for a Student to Write My Paper That Many People Do Not Know About The best method to purchase a research paper on the internet is through us. There are two sorts of research papers you'll be able to acquire online sample papers and custom written papers. If you would like to purchase a research paper, online writing service like ours is precisely what you require. Order whenever you're ready and know which type pf research paper you have to get. If you get a Research Paper from us, we'll assign the very best American Research. Customized Research Paper Writing Services You Can rely On! Greatest Place To get Term Papers Online. How to get a Research Paper Online. If you don't understand how to begin your essay or where to search for supporting data, we'll be happy to help you. When you purchase research papers online there's numerous aspects which should be considered. A number of the factors you should. This is a particularly significant factor if you must compose a dissertation. Let's say you have to purchase essay for college. There are several kinds of essays, it isn't difficult to shed an eye on all your writing assignments. It's hard to select a service to purchase your essay from. It's crucial that the service you select knows for sure they're only employing the ideal essay writers. They could need to keep up a fantastic grade average to make certain they get in the school of their pick. AP courses are classes provided in high school that are thought to be college level. Also, as there are occasions when the educational college will hold one or more celebration at the same time, you may need to depend on a few other youngsters for newsprint photos, simply because they aren't part of the picture taking team. At the close of the training course, AP students have the option to choose the exam. There's a great deal of makers by having a deal that's great of that chance to be self-taught. In fact, there's a good deal of advantages to getting a diploma in graphics design that might help you in both the upcoming career, and directly to be fashion designer. Some folks are talented natural-born writers, but the majority of people can't just grab a pen or a keyboard and do it. Nevertheless, once you can set-up and begin a project in magazine printing, there exists a greater opportunity your companies will succeed. Most people don't even bother reporting others due to the fact that they feel it won't have an effect. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a creative and am always seeking new techniques to express my feelings. Consequently, you truly has to be inclined to sacrifice even more before you start experiencing the advantages of your very own tough work. Maybe it's a deep urge to prove that I'm capable. The Definitive Approach to Looking for a Student to Write My Paper There's no need to continue your search or search for a person who will have the ability to compose an essay for you within a limited time. If everything appears fine, you may download it immediately. It usually means that nobody can say that everything was discovered. The issue is that vague answers aren't good enough for science and decisions produced by choice aren't necessarily rational. If the one thing you've been thinking of lately is is there anybody to compose my essay for me, then you're at the most suitable place. The more you tell us about your requirements, the better essay help we'll be in a position to provide. The solution is really quite straightforward. Someone to compose my essay. The Downside Risk of Looking for a Student to Write My Paper For this reason, you don't have to fret about the price of your upcoming assignment. Take a look at our price calculator to discover what your perfect price for the paper is! This way that you do not risk your money since you can ascertain the price before finalizing your buy. If both of these guarantees aren't met then you ought to find paper writing services.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Hamlet Comparative Essay free essay sample

Hamlets Tragic Flaws In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the characters of Fortinbras, Laertes, and Claudius contrast the imperfections of Hamlet through their own success due to their starvation for power, making Hamlet appear vulnerable. Success is accomplished through Fortinbras strong willed assertiveness, Laertes loyalty towards his sister, and Claudius’s ignorance of moral law. Clashing personalities between two people creates conflict of who is right and who is wrong. Fortinbras is an assertive and headstrong character, while Hamlet believes in fair play in order to get what one wants. Horatio speaks to Marcellus and Barnardo about Fortinbras tough interior when saying, â€Å"Now sir, young Fortinbras, / Of unimproved mettle, hot and full, / Hath in the skirts of Norway here and there/ Shark’d up a list of lawless resolutes. † (1. 1 98-101) Horatio is stating that young Fortinbras is going to seize all of the land that his now dead father lost. Fortinbras is a leader. This is clear because he has an army of people willing to conquer Norway with him. He is trying to get back what rightfully belongs to his family. Fortinbras is taking a step that Hamlet does not. Fortinbras does not play fair because he brings his army and tries to Zacchigna 2 take over the land while Hamlet takes action by contemplating suicide. Fortinbras takes big risks when he ‘takes over’ the land, which shows his purpose of aggression is to better himself. Fortinbras is not afraid of the unknown, opposed to Hamlet who is scared about what is happening next. Hamlet is very lost and confused, which is why people like Fortinbras walk all over people like Hamlet. Hamlet speaks to himself about how much of a coward he is when he says, â€Å"To be, or not to be, that is the question: / Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / Or to take arms against a sea of troubles/ And by opposing end them. † (3. 1 56-60) Hamlet contemplates suicide. This is already a sign of weakness Hamlet possesses. Hamlet feels the world around him is harsh and he suffers from it physically and mentally. Hamlet feels suicide is desirable, but he does not know what the afterlife brings. Hamlets fear of the unknown is why he is in this mess. Fortinbras does what he does because he is not afraid; he is not a coward like Hamlet. Hamlet has a hard life, but he gives up. This is another characteristic Fortinbras does not have. If Fortinbras gives up, his whole army of men and the power he possesses vanishes with him. If Fortinbras gives up, it ends the success he has. Fortinbras is successful over Hamlet because he does not once contemplate suicide. When times are tough Fortinbras toughens up, on the other hand, Hamlet cries like a baby to himself. Fortinbras highlights Hamlets ability of running away from problems because he intimidates Hamlet enough making Hamlet feel insecure and suicidal. Therefore, Fortinbras does not give Hamlet a fighting chance, which is why Fortinbras is successfully powerful in Hamlet’s eyes. Zacchigna 3 Loyalty towards family members shows what one will do for their family. Laertes has unconditional love for his sister Ophelia, but Hamlets love for Ophelia can be questioned due to the way he acts towards Ophelia’s death. Laertes shows his concerns to Ophelia about Hamlet saying, â€Å"Perhaps he loves you now,/ And now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch/ The virtue of his will; but you must fear,/ His greatness weigh’d, his will is not his own. † (1. 3 14-17) Laertes is Ophelia’s brother. They are bounded by blood, and this is not changeable. Laertes loves his sister regardless, and he always looks out for her when it comes to Hamlet. Laertes brings out Hamlets flaws because he tells Ophelia Hamlets true intentions towards her. He tells Ophelia that Hamlet is capable of sexual activities with Ophelia. Hamlet ‘says’ he loves Ophelia, but he does not prove it. Hamlet does not know Ophelia dies until he sees her dead corpse. This truly shows how much Hamlet cares about Ophelia. Ophelia is not protected by Hamlet. Laertes tries to warn Ophelia, but she is in love. Hamlet is very vulnerable because Ophelia listens to her family first. Hamlet shows his love for Ophelia differently than Laertes. As Hamlet stares at Ophelia’s dead body he confesses his love by saying,†I lov’d Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers/ Could not with all their quantity of love/ Make up my sum. † (5. 1 255-257) Hamlet says he loves Ophelia after she dies. This shows how much of a coward Hamlet is compared to Laertes. Hamlet says even forty of Laertes’ love will not compare to Hamlets love. Laertes knows the love of a brother is incomparable to the love of someone outside the family. Laertes succeeds in emphasizing Hamlets harmartia because he proves Hamlet is not as loyal as he seems. Laertes states facts about Hamlets ‘false love’ which makes Hamlet seem like a man Zacchigna 4 only interested in sex, and being at Ophelia’s funeral shows the true commitment Laertes has on being a brother. Hamlet is not at Ophelia’s funeral, showing his true love for Ophelia does not exist. Ophelia ultimately dies in the end, which is why Laertes wins this war. Hamlet does not fight for Ophelia. After Ophelia dies, Hamlet kills her father and tries to kill her brother. If he truly loves her, his actions will show. Even though Ophelia dies, she lives through her family. Overall, Laertes foils Hamlets character because he truly loves Ophelia and Hamlet only says he does. Ophelia dies and Laertes has more concerns then Hamlet. Having morals makes all human beings respectful and conscientious. Claudius does not care about other people as long as he is happy, however Hamlet sees everyone as good, until they prove to be bad. Claudius proves he is morally unstable when trying to poison Hamlet saying, â€Å"And in the cup an union shall he throw/ Richer than that which four successive kings/ In Denmark’s crown have worn- give me the cups-/ And let the kettle to the trumpet speak, / The trumpet to the cannoneer without, / The cannons to the heavens, the heaven to earth, /’Now the king drinks to Hamlet. ’ (5. 257-263) Claudius wants Hamlet dead for a couple of reasons; Hamlet tries to kill Claudius and Claudius wants Laertes to win the duel. Claudius poisons the drink in which Hamlet is supposed to have, but Gertrude drinks it instead. Claudius does not take the drink from Gertrude because he does not want to look like a fool. His own wife dies due to his inconsideration. Hamlet does not dri nk because he wants to drink once the duel is over. Hamlet plays fair in the duel because he does not rig anything. This Zacchigna 5 flaw of Hamlet is the reason Hamlet dies. His world is a battlefield, and he is not strong enough. Many people like Hamlet, but he does not make good decisions, which is why he ultimately dies in the end. Hamlet is weak when he wants to kill Claudius, therefore he does not commit the act. Hamlet speaks to himself when failing to kill the king saying, â€Å" When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, / Or in th’incestuous pleasure of his bed,/ At game a-swearing, or about some act/ That has no relish of salvation in’t,/ Then trip him as his heels may be as damn’d and black/ As hell, whereto it goes. † (3. 3 89-95) Hamlet is about to kill the king, when he sees him praying. This changes Hamlet’s state of mind and Hamlet decides to abolish this act. He says that he will kill King Claudius when he is performing a devious act. This shows how true Hamlets morals are, but at the cost of saving someone who kills his own father. Claudius tries killing Hamlet when he has the chance, but when Hamlet has the chance, he chickens out. Hamlet dies because he does not kill the king when he is supposed to. The poison Claudius uses killing Hamlet is the main focus on Hamlets death. Hamlet gets sliced by the sword, but it is not enough to kill him; the poison is. When Hamlet realizes Claudius poisons the drink and sword, he knows it is too late to save him. Hamlet knows it is too late for survival but he finally gets the guts to kill the king. This is after the king kills both of Hamlets parents. Hamlet suffers as he kills the king saying, â€Å"Here, thou incestuous, murd’rous, damned Dane, / Drink off this potion. Is thy union here? / Follow my mother. † (5. 2 318-320) When Claudius successfully murders late Hamlet and Gertrude, Hamlet realizes the king also has him damned for death. Claudius is already successful because he kills everyone he wants dead. The fact that Claudius dies is a bonus for Zacchigna 6 Hamlet because of the death of his family. This goes back to the fact that Hamlet does not kill Claudius when he is supposed to. The death of Hamlet is not avoided because of Hamlet’s faults. Hamlet makes the king drink his own poison, but Hamlet does not win this battle because he dies as well. Therefore, Claudius’ opposition to the moral law creates his plan that kills Hamlets family (including Hamlet), and makes Hamlet look stupid because he does not kill Claudius when he is supposed to. Overall, in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the strong mentality of Fortinbras, the loyalty of Laertes, and Claudius’ opposition to morals all make Hamlet appear insecure causing these three characters to appear more successful then Hamlet. What do all three of these characters have in common? It is the contribution towards the untimely death of Hamlet. Zacchigna 7 Works cited Shakespeare, William, and Roma Gill. Hamlet. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Print.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Total Quality Management Essays - Process Management, Management

Total Quality Management What is Total Quality Management? Quality is not determined or defined by the producing company. Quality is determined by the customer. Thus quality of a product or a service is the customer?s perception of the degree to which the product or service meets his or her expectations. Total Quality Management (TQM) is an approach to improving competitiveness, effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility of the organization in satisfying the customer demands. It is a process that recognizes the need to determine the customers' requirements and uses that knowledge to drive the entire organization to ensure those needs are fully met. It is essentially a way of planning, organizing and understanding each and every activity that takes place in the organization, and depends on every individual at his or her own level in the organization. Thus from Senior Executives to the person just cleaning the premises has to be involved in the quest for continual improvement towards the same goals, recognizing that each person and each activit y interacts and has an effect on others. Why TQM? Companies strive for Total Quality Management in an effort to: ? Increase customer satisfaction ? Increase customer retention ? TQM not only focuses on gaining a new customer but maintaining the current customers. ? Reduce customer complaints ? Attract new customers ? Increase organizational effectiveness ? Reduce costs due to less waste and rework ? Quality costs and every time something is done incorrectly, money is lost. ? Increase profitability ? Achieve a greater market share ? Maintain a competitive advantage Dr. W. Edwards Deming?s Quality Chain Reaction in figure 1 provides a logical rationale for implementing a quality improvement effort. It says that if an organization improves quality, costs will decrease due to fewer errors and more efficient use of materials and time. This causes an improvement in productivity and leads to capturing the market due to higher quality and lower prices. Therefore, a company will stay in business and provide more jobs1. Figure 1. Deming?s Chain Reaction provides the rationale for why an organization should start with quality. What are the specific reasons why a company should consider using TQM efforts? (1) Become more profitable: The main effects of quality on profits are realized through lower costs due to efficiencies achieved, higher customer retention, greater attraction of new customers, and the potential to charge higher prices (refer to figure 2). (2) Competitive position: What makes your company different from the one down the street? Why should a client keep your company or choose your company to do business with rather than your competitor? Competitive advantage is a unique strength relative to competitors, often based on quality, time, cost, innovation, or customer intimacy. If properly done, TQM?and the resulting high quality?can often serve as a competitive advantage because most firms have not yet adopted TQM.1 (3) Employee involvement: TQM requires total employee commitment to the process or it will fail. The whole idea is to permit the people who actually carry out the activities to continuously improve them. They are, after all, the ones who know them the best. They have a vital role to play and firm management must keep them involved. It is a complete change to the way business has been carried on in the past. Figure 2. HOW QUALITY LEADS TO PROFITS How do you Implement TQM? By applying following eight Quality Management Principles, organizations will produce benefits for customers, owners, people, suppliers and society at large. Principle 1 - Customer-Focused Organization Importance of Customer Satisfaction: Indirectly the company does not pay your wages, but the consumers do. Without their orders, no money would come into the company. Thus nobody would get paid at the end of the month. The customer is the most important person to the company. Customer satisfaction is the result of the number of positive and negative factors that are experienced by the customer. Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements, and strive to exceed customer expectations. Customer satisfaction is the result of the number of positive and negative factors that are experienced by the customer. The more satisfier factors present, the higher customer satisfaction. Eliminating dissatisfiers alone (by improving processes) will not result in increased satisfaction level. It will only result in fewer dissatisfiers. A

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Boat of Ethics Essays

Boat of Ethics Essays Boat of Ethics Essay Boat of Ethics Essay Noahs Ark; Lonely but Happy Ecology, most simply put, is the study of relationships between organisms and their environment. (Encyclopedia Britannica) Garrett Hardin, writer of the essay Lifeboat Ethics: The Case against Helping the Poor was a professor of human ecology at the University of California at Santa Barbara and had some extremely harsh opinions about the solution to global population issues. As a professor of human ecology, Hardin studied the relationship between humans and their environment, and in this case the entire globe. It is a well known fact that environmental egradations, unequal wealth distribution and exponential population growth are growing problems in the world, and in his essay, Hardin explains that there are relatively simple solutions to these problems. While Hardins solutions to the interconnected global environment, economic and population problems are harsh and potentially immoral, Hardin convinced me they are the only solutions to a growing global issue. Hardin begins his essay shedding light on a metaphor environmentalists use to help prevent pollution, stating that the earth is a spaceship, and no one has the right o waste or destroy what should be equally shared between its inhabitants. Hardin immediately disputes this metaphor by asking does everyone on earth have an equal right to an equal share of its resources? (358) Hardin points out that this metaphor causes unrealistic expectations of an equal and fair global society since there are currently not enough resources in the world to be evenly distributed. Hardin argues that the spaceship analogy is false, saying that A true spaceship would have to be under the control of a captain, since no ship could possibly survive if its course were determined by committee. Spaceship Earth certainly has no captain; the United States is merely a toothless tiger, with little power to enforce any policy upon its bickering members. (358) Hardin instead makes the analogy that the earth can be compared to a lifeboat, since a lifeboat has a carrying capacity as well as limited resources. Hardin poses the unethical question of who gets to be in the lifeboat if the amount of people outside the boat exceeds the amount of people that can safely be in the boat. This is where Hardins argument becomes abhorrent to some people, however, I believe it was extremely persuasive and I will not dismiss an rgument because of harsh truths. Hardin also points out the discrepancies in the wealth distribution and how they correlate to reproductive growth. Hardin specifies that The people inside the lifeboats are doubling in numbers every 87 years; those swimming around outside are doubling, on the average, every 35 years, more than twice as fast as the rich. And since the worlds resources are dwindling, the difference in prosperity between the rich and the poor can only increase. (359) This was an excellent point to make in that it demonstrates specifically how poorer ations are typically increasing in population much faster than richer ones. Hardin continues his argument by explaining what he believes to be the tragedy ot the commons, in that people will only take care ot something it they believe it is inherently theirs. Since we can assume that the majority of people operate based on their own needs, that means that people will have less discretion on maintaining or even protecting what is supposed to be shared. Hardin makes an excellent point when he says that Under the system of private property, the men who own property ecognize their responsibility to care for it, for if they dont, they will eventually suffer. (360) Hardin calls the worlds natural resources a global commons, and In a crowded world of less than perfect human beings, mutual ruin is inevitable if there are no controls. This is the tragedy of the commons. (360) Hardins analogy of natural resources as a shared entity that needs more stringent regulations is extremely logical to me. Hardin then goes into detail about how the humanitarians of the world h ave tried advocating for the less fortunate countries, including the Food for Peace program, nd how they were supposed to help the poorer populations and make a change in the global standard of living. However, Hardin argues that it is not a good idea to help the less fortunate populations. Hardin then goes on to explain how the World Food Bank, a government operated, tax-payer funded operation, is merely a commons in disguise (363) Hardin argues that in the short run, a world food bank may diminish that need [for food], but in the long run it actually increases the need without limit (363) and poor countries will not learn to mend their ways, and will uffer progressively greater emergencies as their populations grow. (362) Hardin makes another excellent point saying that We cannot safely divide the wealth equitably among all people so long as people reproduce at different rates. (366) This concept was the most persuasive to me because it is completely accurate that no one can become self-sufficient if they always have a safety net, and as harsh as it sounds, the boy will always be lazy if his parents keep running to his aid every time he cries wolf. While Hardins arguments are ha rsh and often cruel, they are impeccable from lobal environmental, economic and population issue standpoints. Hardin believes that Without a true world government to control reproduction and the use of available resources, the sharing ethic of the spaceship is impossible [and] our survival demands that we govern our actions by the ethics of a lifeboat (366) and I completely agree with his argument. I am aware that I am already in this metaphorical lifeboat, along with everyone else i know, however that does not negate facts, and those are that if we do not begin to control growth of human population on arth, then we will destroy all life in the process of allowing the uncontrolled creation of life. It is unfortunate that it is the poorer countries who are suffering, but nature is cruel and natural selection dictates the survival of the fittest. Hardin convinced me of his argument by providing exceptional analogies, undeniable facts and a concise layout of his argument. Hardins life work is human ecology, and while his credentials speak for themselves, he also did an outstanding job of getting me to turn my back on a moral and ethical solution to the global issues ofa bloated earth.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The 7 Worst Mistakes You Can Make During a Phone Interview

The 7 Worst Mistakes You Can Make During a Phone Interview You get a phone call out of the blue to interview you for a job. That means your interviewer will be totally forgiving if you’re unprepared, right? Wrong. You do need to be prepared- always.   Steer clear of these 7 common pitfalls and set yourself up for success. Here are the 7 worst mistakes you can make during a phone interview.1. Not being able to remember which job this isThe interviewer will say she’s so-and-so from such-and-such company. That has to trigger for you exactly which position you applied to. The only way you’re allowed to ask is if you’ve applied for two positions in the same company. Otherwise, make sure you’re sharp and prepared to recall exactly which positions go with which companies.As far as she is concerned, her open position is the only one in the world. Don’t give her evidence that her job isn’t special for you.2. Talking in public/while driving /in the subwayIf you get surprised by a call while in public, politely state that you’re in a less-than-ideal setting for a conversation and ask if you can reschedule or postpone until you can get to a quiet, private spot. If you have scheduled your phone interview and it does not come as a surprise, make sure you’re going to be available to answer in ideal conditions.3. Not knowing the formatIf you’re scheduling a remote interview, make sure you know whether it’s via phone or Skype or FaceTime. Not to mention who is contacting whom, and whether all the relevant contact information has been shared.4. Botching the â€Å"Who are you?† questionYour interviewer starts with â€Å"Tell us a little about yourself.† Don’t blow it. And don’t just give a brief bio and a sense of your favorite taste in movies. Target this answer to include compelling reasons why you understand the companies needs and fit them perfectly. Prepare this in advance, for each position you apply to. Just in case.5.  Not asking questionsIf you’ve got ‘em, ask ‘em. Particularly if you’ve heard some scuttlebutt about the company. Now is your chance to find out. Take any insider gossip with a grain of salt, of course, but find a clever and nonspecific way of asking around it, particularly if you have concerns.6. Not having an answer to the salary questionYou may think you’re â€Å"not being pushy,† but really you look unprepared and not confident or experienced enough to know better. Have a range in mind, for any and all positions, and be prepared to state it clearly. Don’t aim too high or too low for the company or position- do some research ahead of time. Weigh what you used to make, what they’re offering, and what you think you can get before coming up with a number. And it’s always okay to ask them what their budgeted range is before stating your requirements.7. Not identifying the elephant in the roomIf you’re in the least bit un der-qualified for a position, or lack a specific certification, you must not simply lean back and rely on charm. They know what your applications lacks and so do you. It’s best to be honest and up front about this and provide practical solutions for your inexperience. They’ll see that you’re mature enough to realize your weaknesses, but professional enough to have a plan to surpass expectations.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Matt Holmes & Cool Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Matt Holmes & Cool Company - Case Study Example Assets would be written down if the company continues to use those assets. Lack of recoverability of the net carrying amount must be recognized as asset impairment and it occurs under certain circumstances such as changes in regulation and business climate, technology changes, usage rate decline, and forecasts of a notable decline it the asset’s long term profitability. It appears that the Cool Company must perform an impairment test as the firm experiences changes in business climate. However, it must be noted that every change in business climate would not indicate asset impairment. ‘A quoted market price in an active market’ would be the best evidence of fair value and it must be applied as the basis for measurement (â€Å"Goodwill and other..†). Market inputs such as credit data and yield curve are some of the alternative methods of estimating fair value. From an asset impairment analysis, the Cool’s department manager would get valuable informat ion that would assist him to determine whether or not those suspected assets should be written down. 2. King Company Good will is an account that can be seen in the asset side of the balance sheet. Often, good will arises as a result of acquisition of a company by another company. The amount paid for the acquired company over book value generally reflects the value of that firm’s intangible assets. Since the good will is not a physical asset as land and buildings, it is recorded as an intangible asset on the balance sheet. Intangible assets include good will, corporate intellectual property, and brand recognition. Typically, good will indicates the value of intangible assets such as patents, strong brand name, better employee relations, and better customer relations. US GAAP defines good will as the â€Å"excess of the cost of an acquisition price over the fair value of acquired net assets†; similarly, goodwill and some other intangible assets will no longer be subject ed to amortization (â€Å"Stock dividend). Therefore, the reported amounts of goodwill would not decrease and moreover, goodwill recorded on the acquisition will not result in a ‘drag’ on future earnings for goodwill amortization. According to Graham, when goodwill is recognized by a subsidiary, it should be tested for impairment at the subsidiary level using the subsidiary’s reporting units; and if goodwill at the consolidated level is impaired, it would be recognized at the consolidated level (116). In total, the King Company would not face issues that were pointed out by senior accounting staff because the goodwill accounting has changed. Ethics case 1 Marco Chemical Corp The government and public are the stakeholders involved in the situation specified in the Macro Chemical case. The director of the Marco’s R&D division would not be ethically liable even if the chemical caused any disaster because he had strongly recommended the chemical’s furt her testing for side effects. On the other hand, the Marco’s president has worked against his professional ethics. The president had been advised by the R&D’s director regarding the chemical’s further testing in the laboratory for its side effects on other insects, birds, animals, plants, and even humans. However, the president did not consider such warnings as he focused only on the improvement of company’s sales and profits. In other words, he did not take human values or

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

People Republic of China Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

People Republic of China Constitution - Essay Example But the Chinese people had yet to fulfill their historical task of overthrowing imperialism and feudalism. After waging hard, protracted and tortuous struggles, armed and otherwise, the Chinese people of all nationalities led by the Communist Party of China with Chairman Mao Zedong as its leader ultimately, in 1949, overthrew the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, won the great victory of the new-democratic revolution and founded the People's Republic of China. Thereupon the Chinese people took state power into their own hands and became masters of the country. After the founding of the People's Republic, the transition of Chinese society from a new- democratic to a socialist society was effected step by step. The socialist transformation of the private ownership of the means of production was completed, the system of exploitation of man by man eliminated and the socialist system established. The people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants, which is in essence the dictatorship of the proletariat, has been consolidated and developed. The Chinese people and the Chinese People's Liberation Army have thwarted aggression, sabotage and armed provocations by imperialists and safeguarded China's national independence and security and strengthened its national defense. ... nternational economic relations in the service of Chinese development." (Potter, 2001) An independent and fairly comprehensive socialist system of industry has in the main been established. There has been a marked increase in agricultural production. Significant progress has been made in educational, scientific, cultural and other undertakings, and socialist ideological education has yielded noteworthy results. The living standards of the people have improved considerably. Both the victory of China's new-democratic revolution and the successes of its socialist cause have been achieved by the Chinese people of all nationalities under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and by upholding truth, correcting errors and overcoming numerous difficulties and hardships. The People's Republic of China is a socialist state under the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants. The socialist system is the basic system of the People's Republic of China. Sabotage of the socialist system by any organization or individual is prohibited. All power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people. The organs through which the people exercise state power are the National People's Congress and the local people's congresses at different levels. The people administer state affairs and manage economic, cultural and social affairs through various channels and in various ways in accordance with the law. The state organs of the People's Republic of China apply the principle of democratic centralism. The National People's Congress and the local people's congresses at different levels are instituted through democratic election. They are responsible to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Preschool Observation Essay Example for Free

Preschool Observation Essay There is growth and development in a child if he or she shows the necessary skills or milestones for his or her age. This essay is a case study of a pre-school child. An observation was done to determine whether the child has matured intellectually, emotionally and physically with her age. The child, who is two years and nine months old, was observed while she was in her play room with her mother one hour before her bed time. Below is an account of the observation. The child is kneeling on the floor and is opening a box of toys. She places blocks and cubes on the floor. Her mother joins to play with her. When her mother asks her what she is taking out of the box, she answers, â€Å"Toys. † After emptying the box, she chooses blocks with colors yellow, orange and red and she starts to form objects out of it. First, she lines up the longer orange blocks. Then, she stacks these blocks together by putting shorter blocks which are colored yellow and red on top of the orange blocks. The resulting object is like a train. Afterwards, she disassembles it and creates another object which looks like a phone and she pretends to talk to someone else with it. Next, she takes the red and orange blocks and forms a square using three longer blocks supported by one longer block and two shorter blocks underneath. The shape is not recognized by her mother so she asks her, to which she replies â€Å"toys. † Then she tries to tell a story as she makes gestures and actions and she tries to explain but only the words â€Å"she,† â€Å"ride,† and â€Å"ice cream† are intelligible. After explaining, she says, â€Å"Look at this†¦ These are toys†¦ Place this here† as she places a cube on top of the object. After a few minutes, a cat’s cry is heard from another room. She recognizes it and says â€Å"Cat†¦ Cat meow. † A little later, she gets a cloth and wipes her nose. Her mother asks what is wrong and she says, â€Å"Mommy, nose† to probably mean that she has a running nose. After a while, she counts from one to ten the blocks she formed into an object. Then, her mother asks her the color of a block and she answers â€Å"red† but she cannot recognize the colors pink and blue when she was asked. After that, her mother asks how old she is and she quickly answers â€Å"Two† and shows her two fingers. By and by, she sees a picture book, which is an atlas for children, on the shelf. She points at it and articulates â€Å"Book†¦ Read book. † Her mother gives her the book. She starts to turn the pages one by one and she recognizes pictures of a cow, earth, water, stars, bird, fish, and a dog especially when her mother points out a picture and asks her the names for those pictures. Her mother also teaches her the names of a few of the pictures such as a whale and a bear. She is quick to remember the image of a bear because when she was near the end of the book, she suddenly asks, â€Å"Where bear? † and she turns back the pages of the book to find it. She exclaims, â€Å"It’s here! † when she found it. Her mother tries to help her turn the pages of the book but she exclaims, â€Å"Wait! † and continues to turn the pages on her own. There was a time when she mentions the word â€Å"heavy† referring to the heavy pages of the book. She pretends to read the words written on paper and looks at the pictures most of the time. Furthermore, she turns back to the pages she has already seen again and again. She also recognizes pictures of babies because when her mother asked her what can be seen on the page with baby pictures, she responds, â€Å"Baby. † Her mother then asks her how many babies there are and she accurately counts from one to three. Since it was almost her bedtime, her mother tells her to go to sleep, she says, â€Å"Wait. No sleep† but yawns. Then, she stands up, says â€Å"Me sleep,† goes to the door of her bedroom and opens it. Once inside the bedroom, her mother undresses her and dresses her up for sleeping. While dressing up, she tries to help by lifting her arms to fit to the sleeves of the shirt and lifting her legs to put on the pajamas. After that she says, â€Å"Mommy, milk. † So, her mother gets her milk, gives it to her and she drinks it from a cup. Based on the observation, the child displays the common developmental milestones of a two to three-year old preschool in terms of her cognitive, socio-emotional and motor skills. These are enumerated below: Primarily, the child exhibits the following cognitive skills of most two-year old children: (1) uses more than 100 words; (2) likes to take things apart; (3) uses 2 to 3 word sentences; (4) refers to self as â€Å"me†; (5) verbalizes desires; (6) enjoys looking at one book over and over; (7) points to body parts (Powell Smith); (8) recognizes familiar pictures; and (9) asks for items by name (Developmental Checklist). Moreover, she demonstrates what other three-year children can do such as: (1) naming pictures of a book; (2) naming at least one color; and (3) knowing and telling her age (Goodbye Babyhood). Aside from these skills, it is observed that she can recognize animal sounds and she can already count from numbers one to ten. Furthermore, the child demonstrates the following socio-emotional skills: (1) shows awareness of parental approval; (2) displays independence to do things on her own; and (3) likes to imitate adult activities such as talking on the phone (Miss Independent). In addition to this, she can already perform motor skills such as: (1) opening a box; (2) building or stacking up small blocks; (3) using toys appropriately; (4) using a cup well; (4) dresses up with help (Miss Independent); and (5) turning pages of a book two to three at a time (Developmental Checklist). In conclusion, the preschool child who has been observed is on the right track in the growth milestones children of her age range develop. She has progressed in her cognitive, socio-emotional and motor skills as a two-year old child. Works Cited â€Å"Developmental Checklist for Infants and Toddlers. † Jacksonville Medicine. March 2000. University of Florida, Jacksonville Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers. 11 March 2009. http://www. dcmsonline. org/jax-medicine/2000journals/march2000/EIPchecklist. htm â€Å"Goodbye Babyhood, Hello Childhood. † Kids Growth. 8 May 2007. Maternal and Child Health Bureau U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. 3 April 2009. http://www. cfm? id=321 â€Å"Miss Independent. † Kids Growth. 8 May 2007. Maternal and Child Health Bureau U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. 3 April 2009. http://www. kidsgrowth. com/resources/articledetail. cfm? id=320 Powell, J. and Smith, Charles. â€Å"Developmental milestones: A guide for parents the 2nd year. † National Network for Child Care. (1994). Kansas State University Cooperative Extension. 11 March 2009. http://www. nncc. org/Child. Dev/mile2. html

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Nowadays the children spent most of the time watching television than years ago, and therefore viewing more advertisements. The study conducted by Children’s National Institute found that children in America are spending more time watching television programs in a year than they are spending in school (Dumont, 2001). Within their website, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that advertising to children is deceptive and studies shown that children recall the ads on television whether it is an ad for a toy or food items. Children are even remembering the ads targeted towards their parents and also able to identify the alcohol and tobacco ads (Gardner, 2011). There exists a strong need to ban advertisements on television programs targeted for children under age 10 because the children are just like flowers having innocent and immature minds and they are not at a position to judge the benefits and harms associated with the products being advertised. Advertising is the art of a ttracting the human intelligence to get money from it. In the present scenario the great deal of adverting has been targeted towards children. As per the study of the Global issues organization, children are the most captive audiences for the United States marketers and an average child watches an estimate of nearly forty thousand television commercials per year (Gardner, 2011). Advertisement on TV targeted towards children can adversely affect their mental and physical health. The minds of children are very sensitive and they believe advertising claims they see on the TV. As the children under age 10 have immature minds the advertisers use special tactics to appeal to young viewers. The children also emulate the characters they see in the ads such as Barb... ...ernment says that advertising targeted to children is morally and ethically unacceptable, since children cannot distinguish the purpose of advertising. In Belgium, it is forbidden to telecast the ads during children’s programs as well as during the 5 minutes before and after them (Gardner,2011). Australia also banned advertisement during children programs. In addition to these the parents also had to educate the children the negative aspects of advertising and teach them the importance of healthy food habits. It is the responsibility of every parent to make their child aware of the negative effects of the media surrounding them and educate them. Will the marketing agents will completely stop targeting children remains a question of concern and the future of the children and their families remains ambiguous until there is a complete ban on advertisements.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Giver Essay Dystopia

It is difficult for us to imagine a world without color, personal freedoms, and love, but in this book, the society is exactly this. Being able to make your own choices is really important, most of us don’t realize it right now but it’s important to appreciate freedom. In the Giver, what may seem like a perfect society is actually a dystopia is because theres no individuality, you are assigned a family, and jobs were assigned as well. To begin with, individuality didn’t even exist in this community.Everything is conform, no one is allowed to know their own identity, and everyone’s lives are pre-programmed and ran by the Committee of The Elders. No one had emotions, feelings, or memories. They don’t see color and the weather in neither sunny, rainy, or snowy. Imagine how different life would be without memories or feelings. No stories to tell, not knowing what love is. Therefore, the association that Jonas lives in is dull, pre-planned and un-individ ual.Also, families are assigned in this union. Your placed in a family unit and you aren’t allowed to have your own kids or know your biological parents are. Your paired with a spouse that you don’t even love. How would you feel if your parents were not people who created you? How would you like not knowing who your real parents are? Thus, it’s important to realize how important it is to value your family and freedom because this society had assigned family.Another reason this realm is a dystopia is because jobs are assigned to each person. â€Å" It’s choosing thats important isn’t it? ’’(Pg 110) For instance, being assigned jobs keeps you from living out your dreams and setting goals in life. What if you weren’t able too do what you have a true passion for. How would you like not being able to chose what you want to do for a living. All and all, through these words of evidence, its pretty clear that the community is dystopia .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ecosystems and How They Work Essay

Question 1. The industrialization of the United States began after the civil war and started to peak in the late 19th century as capital equipment and tools were developed. This made the rapid production of more goods for more people possible. This resulted in the expansion of the factory system allowing people to make a living by manufacturing, commerce, trade or finance. Industrialization, urbanization and immigration caused people to move from the village to the city and together with the influx of foreign immigrants, this led to a dramatic growth in urban population (Faulkner, 1924). The increasing density of industry, transportation and housing had negative impacts on both the land and the lives of the urban dwellers such that alongside with the revolution came the problem of pollution in all its forms – air, garbage, water and noise. The factories needed less variable energy production to run the factories thus energy production shifted from the waterwheel to the burning of fossil fuels and fuel oils. At first, the urban industrial centers took pride in black smoke as a symbol of progress and triumph of civilization. With the invention of the automobile and its rise in popularity, their exhaust fumes further exacerbated the already noxious emissions from the factories. These led to a multitude of respiratory ailments. The problem of garbage came with the increasing population. These accumulated faster than they can be collected and disposed. Even the horse-drawn carts utilized for the collection contributed to this problem as the equine waste s created both health hazards and foul odors. Then, the industrial effluents and sewage from were polluting the river systems. The public started to become aware that the environment cannot absorb limitless amounts of waste. By the 1960’s, the threat became too great. During the mid-twentieth century, the focus on environmental concerns was on the conservation of resources such as forest, ranges and water which led to the passage of laws such as the Taylor Grazing Act (1934), Soil Conservation Act (1935) and even the building of the Hoover Dam (formerly known as the Boulder Dam) to provide cheap electric power along with flood control, recreation and soil conservation. In the 1960’s, according to the environmental historian Samuel P. Hays, there was a shift â€Å"in emphasis from resource efficiency to that of quality of life based on beauty, health and permanence†¦ arising out of the social changes and transformation in human values in the post-War years† (cited in Faulkner, 2002). Various private organizations were found, public agencies established and acts passed to address environmental issues. In 1969, there was Friends of the Earth (FOE) which aimed to protect the planet from environmental disaster and to preserve biological, cultural and ethnic diversity. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) made it mandatory for federal agencies to prepare environment impact statement. To regulate the air and water quality, hazard and disposal management, the Environmental Protection Agency was established. In 1970, Earth Day was first promoted to fight environment causes and to oppose environmental degradation which led o the Environmental Movement. In the same year, the U. S. passed the Clean Air Act. Almost two decades later, an agreement by industrialized nations called the Kyoto Protocol was reached to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Merchant, 2002). The cost of substantially reducing industrial pollution is high but the costs of ignoring it is even higher as it would compromise the sustainability of life itself. Question 2. â€Å"The biosphere is a closed ecological system with finite resources and its equilibrium is maintained by grand-scale recycling† (â€Å"Pollution†, 2004). Fungi and bacteria play major roles in maintaining a balanced ecosystem as they are in essence nature’s recyclers. Some of these processes where they are involved include photosynthesis and respiration, nitrogen fixation and denitrification. When an organic material is decomposed, the atmospheric supply of carbon dioxide is replenished. Carbon dioxide is needed by plants for the photosynthetic process where oxygen is a by-product and released into the atmosphere. Oxygen is essential for human respiration. Plants also need nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus in the form of phosphates in order to flourish. These can be found in the soil. Nitrogen is obtained through nitrification through microbes oxidizing ammonium to form nitrate and nitrate salts. It can also be obtained through bacteria living in the root nodules of legumes. They obtain fee nitrogen from the air, and synthesize or fix it or even just incorporate it into their bodies so when they die, the nitrogen compounds are released. The phosphorous cycle does not include a gaseous state. Instead, phosphates are removed from rocks where it usually occurs and distributed to both the soil and water. The plant absorbs all the nutrients it needs from the soil, produce its own food, releases oxygen, then are eaten by herbivores, who themselves are eaten by carnivores. The phosphates absorbed are returned to the soil through urine and feces as well as from plant and amanimal decomposition. Since the industrial revolution, we have increasingly ignored or altered the natural cycles. The resulting explosion in economic output has come at the cost of the long-term and dangerous depletion of natural capital. By relying on nitrogen fertilizer instead of organic farm wastes, we have reduced the fertility of agricultural lands and created dead zones in our oceans and rivers. Our logging operations and regular use of fossil fuels have increased atmospheric carbon concentrations to very high levels. By diverting or damming our rivers, we’ve dried out seas (or created new ones), changes local weather patterns and disrupted entire ecosystems. Nature will not be able to keep up if the natural cycles are disrupted by high quantities of wastes. We know this simply cannot go on.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


HOW DOES GAME THEORY USE RATIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND APPLY IT TO POKER Essay Example HOW DOES GAME THEORY USE RATIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND APPLY IT TO POKER Essay HOW DOES GAME THEORY USE RATIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND APPLY IT TO POKER Essay Introduction Game theory is the consequence of a mix between economic sciences and mathematics which is now widely used in all of the societal scientific disciplines. Game theory efforts to accurately predict behavioral actions in certain scenarios when the picks of others can besides hold an adding factor, ensuing in being able to determine the best scheme to derive a competitory border. Game theory is based on the rational side of human ‘players every bit good as non-human ( computing machines, machines, animate beings ) Game theory has been traced back to 1713, but it was most perceptibly accepted as an economic theory in 1928, when a book by John Von Neumann was published, Von Neumann went on to utilize his Game theory when making the Atom and H bombs, the theory has since undergone some alterations, in 1950 a mathematician, John Nash found a simpler solution for deriving the equilibrium, subsequently being named the â€Å"Nash equilibrium† which is still evident in today s reading of the theory. The theory has already been used in dramatic and life altering determination devising ( Von Neumann s ‘bomb as mentioned ) so with farther research into the theory it can go on to be used as the footing to maintain happening the competitory border. Purposes and Aims The purpose of my research is to derive unequivocal consequences as to how ( if at all ) game theory can utilize rational rational behavior and use it to poker to enable a individual ( s ) to derive a competitory border. Evaluate rational Game theory Examine how rational behavior is calculated How to Measure rational fire hook schemes. Examine if the game of fire hook is rational Literature Review Game Theory theoretical accounts in Poker There is already a significant sum of literature that provide an penetration into Game theory in fire hook, most of which all have a beliing position on each others work, Jason Swanson more late in 2005 said in a study entitled Game Theory and Poker, [ April, 23rd, 2005 ] that he had come up with a theoretical account that would be understood by all, even with small or no mathematical background, he concentrated on the impression that all participants would at some point in the game usage a ‘bluffing technique and it was at this minute in clip that the opposing participant ( utilizing the Swanson attack ) could derive a competitory border. In Jason Swansons theoretical account he uses what he calls â€Å"one card poker† where the deck merely consist of three cards ; an one, a deuce and a three, it is merely played by two people ( one of which will be chosen to be the â€Å"dealer† ) Swanson so goes on the prejudice of chance, after each individual has been covering a card they can either look into or turn up ( no rises are allowed ) He gives this illustration â€Å"The trader has the deuce and can crush merely a bluff. The opener has bet $ 100 into a $ 200 pot, giving him 2-to-1 on a bluff. We might hence believe that the trader should name twice and fold one time. Or, in other words, the trader should name with his deuce with chance 2/3† [ Game Theory and Poker, Swanson, 2005. Pg2 ] Staying with mathematical theoretical accounts of Game theory in fire hook. Taken from Tim Harfords book, The Logic of Life, chapter two, Las Vegas. Arguably the most celebrated character, the male parent of Game theory if you will, John Von Neumann ( mentioned before ) Having outshone his opposite number at the University of Princeton, Albert Einstein in the 1940 s 50 s, Von Neumann was ready to intergrate Mathematical theoretical accounts with the rational behavior displayed from worlds in Economics to make an account of fire hook, a scheme to win. Von Neumann realised that fire hook was a game of secrets and misrepresentation, but, by utilizing his theoretical account would do both factors work in one participants favour, Von Neumann accounted for the bluff and the contrary bluff, something that no other theoretician has been able to cite. Von Neumann s theoretical account ; â€Å"Player I to take the stake size B as an arbitrary nonnegative figure depending on x. Beting 0 is tantamount to look intoing. Newman s consequence may be summarizedas follows. An optimum scheme for Player I is to look into if 1/7 lt ; x lt ; 4/7, to wager B if ten = 1- ( 12/7 ) ( 2+B ) -2 for x gt ; 4/7, andt O stake B if x = ( 4/7 ) ( 2+3B ) ( 2+B ) -3 for x lt ; 1/7. An optimum scheme for Player II is to name a stake of B if y gt ; 1- ( 12/7 ) ( 2+B ) -1. The value is 1/7.† [ hypertext transfer protocol: //, 1992 ] In the above theoretical account Von Neumann concentrated to a great extent on the thought that all participants will â€Å"bluff† ( deceive ) so Player I s first move will state the opposing participant alot about the strength of the manus that participant I has got, so the rational opposing participant will presume his manus and come up with 1- 7/12, But, all the piece participant II is playing along with the contrary bluff and will lose. Rational Choice Theory Rational pick theory assumes human behavior is guided by instrumental ground. Consequently, persons ever choose what they believe to be the best agencies to accomplish their given terminals. Therefore, they are usually regarded as maximising public-service corporation, the currency for everything they cherish ( for illustration: money, a long life, moral criterions ) . As the modern preparation of much older descriptions of rational behavior, Rational pick theory belongs to the foundational theory of economic sciences. Over the last decennaries it has besides become progressively prevailing in other societal scientific disciplines. Rational pick theory adopts methodological individuality ; it conceives of societal state of affairss or corporate behaviors as the sole consequence of single actions. However, rational pick theory is non merely applied to single worlds it can besides be attributed to big companies. Gary Becker won the nobel award in 1992 for his enforcement of rational pick theory in his book â€Å"The Economics of Life† he narrowed rational behavior into two premises Completeness ; where all actions can be ranked in order of penchant -Transitivity ; the impression that is A1 is preferred to A2 but A2 is preferred to A3 so A1 is preferred to A3 Both the premises and the behavioral anticipations of rational pick theory have sparked unfavorable judgment from a figure of professionals in Social Sciences. Some people have developed theoretical accounts of delimited reason, which hope to be more psychologically plausible without wholly abandoning the thought that ground underlies decision-making procedures. For a long clip, a popular strain of review was a deficiency of empirical footing, but experimental economic sciences and experimental game theory have mostly changed that review ( although they have added other reviews, chiefly by showing some human behavior that systematically deviates from rational pick theory ) . Early reviews of the rational pick attack in political scientific discipline for illustration, argued that the rational pick theoreticians could non explicate why people voted, much less do more sophisticated statements about political behavior. Research Design My research design will be dwelling of intermixing all of the bing cognition on game theory every bit good as my new and advanced thoughts. I will be chiefly be concentrating on whether or non Game theory can demo the game of fire hook to be a rational competition. The game of fire hook is a game that can be played in any milieus and the sum of wages ( the cost of playing, usually money ) can be dictated merely before drama. I will chiefly utilize the resource of the cyberspace to play online ( through the medium of a professional participant ) utilizing the guidelines set out from game theory and the game of fire hook itself. Besides, the sum of cognition already available on the topic will be used to my advantage as I will be associating a batch of my new thoughts to the secondary informations that I uncover in my research. The game of fire hook is one that is played by all ages from 18 upwards, this makes implementing a questionnaire a really feasible option and because of the diverseness of participants the replies that will be accumulated will be more accurate and realistic

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What Is an AP Scholar Advantages and Requirements

What Is an AP Scholar Advantages and Requirements SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You might think the term â€Å"AP Scholar† just refers to anyone who takes studying for AP exams really seriously. But it’s actually an awards program offered by the College Board.In this article, I’ll go over what an AP Scholar is, what you need to achieve to become one, what it means to be one, and some tips on getting the award if it’s something you’re interested in. What Is an AP Scholar? An AP Scholar is, broadly speaking, someone who has received an award from the College Board for doing well on several AP exams. There are several award levels according to how many exams the student scored highly on, as well as their average AP score. What Does It Mean to Be an AP Scholar? If you have an AP Scholar award, you can list it on resumes and college applications. It will signal that you did well on multiple AP exams. The designation will appear on your official AP exam scores, and you will receive a certificate in the mail the September following the time you receive the designation. Sadly, you do not get any money from this award, but it’s nice to have recognition of all your hard work!Of course, the higher-up your designation, the more impressive it is. Gold star for you! AP Scholar Awards and How You Earn Them What â€Å"level† of award you are offered generally depends on three criteria: How many AP exams you have gotten a score of 3 or higher on. Your average AP exam score. Where your high school is located. You can receive the next â€Å"level† of award in subsequent years as you take more AP exams.In this table, I’ll lay out all the criteria for the different AP Scholar award tiers- the AP Scholar requirements, if you will. AP Scholar Requirements Award Designation School Location Requirements Score/Number Requirements Required Average AP Score on all APs taken AP Scholar (none) 3 or better on 3+ AP exams (n/a) AP Scholar with Honor (none) 3 or better on 4+ AP exams 3.25 AP Scholar with Distinction (none) 3 or better on 5+ AP exams 3.5 National AP Scholar United States 4 or better on 8+ AP exams 4 National AP Scholar (Canada) Canada 4 or better on 5+ AP exams 4 National AP Scholar (Bermuda) Bermuda 4 or better on 5+ AP exams 4 State AP Scholar (granted to 1 male and 1 female student per state) Each US state Greatest number of exams with scores of 3 or higher in the state Highest average of those who took the greatest number of exams with scores 3+ DoDEA AP Scholar (granted to 1 male and 1 female student) DoDEA(Department of Defense Education Activity) school students Greatest number of exams with scores of 3 or higher in DoDEA schools Highest average of those who took the greatest number of exams with scores 3+ International AP Scholar (granted to 1 male and 1 female student) Attends school outside US or Canada that is not DoDEA school Greatest number of exams with scores of 3 or higher in international schools Highest average of those who took the greatest number of exams with scores 3+ Step one to becoming an AP Scholar: pick your books off the floor. How to Becomean AP Scholar If you want to be an AP Scholar, at the most basic level you need to take AP exams! You also need to make an effort to score a 3 or higher on every exam you take, not just the minimum number for the Scholar designation you’re going for since lower scores will bring your average down and limit your ability to meet the score average requirements to be an AP Scholar. If you want to meet a certain level before you apply to college, you’ll need to take the requisite AP exams by the end of your junior year, so that you’ll get the award by your senior fall. However, my recommendation would be not to stress too much about the AP Scholar program. For one thing, when you get to the highest levels of the award, whether you get the award or not is somewhat outside of your control, since you can’t control how many AP exams other people take or what their average score is. If you get an AP Scholar award, great! But colleges will be able to see your complete AP score report either way, and they know which APs and AP courses are most challenging. It’s better to take a rigorous course of study and not quite qualify for the next Scholar level than to front-load with content-light APs to get the award. This strange baby-man is actually a National AP Scholar. Key Takeaways The AP Scholar awards are a series of awards given by the College Board for students who have gotten high scores on a number of AP exams. There are different â€Å"levels† of the award depending on the number of AP exams a student has gotten a high score on, their average AP exam score, and where they go to school. If you want to be an AP Scholar, you’ll need to take AP classes and be sure to do well on your exams! However, I don’t recommend stressing too much about these awards - your time is better spent on other projects that will be more impressive to colleges. What's Next? To prep for AP success, see when you should start studying for AP exams, and how you should prepare. If you're thinking about other AP achievements, you might be wondering if you need an AP test perfect score.Or you may want to know the average score for each AP exam, or even how AP exams are scored. Trying to figure out your AP schedule? See our guides to which AP exams to take, and how many APs you should plan on taking. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Green transportation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Green transportation - Research Paper Example Any means of transport that has low impacts on the environment including non-motorized transport are regarded as green transport. The energy produced from the sources of energy that are environmentally friendlier relative to the fossil fuel is defined as green energy. All renewable sources of energy are therefore included in green energy and according to the definition nuclear energy can also be included under green energy. Research is in progress around the world to explore new paths that will bring out solutions to the environmental hazards that human beings have to face in the present world. All scientists are of the opinion that increased use of renewable sources of energy can be one potent solution to this problem. Sustainable development and renewable energy uses share an intimate connection. The research acts as the evidence on the importance of keeping the environment pollution free and how using green transportation can emerge as the contributing factor. The results from the research will aware people more on using environment friendly modes of transportation that are fuel efficient and cheap. Apart from the environment point of view the project has an economic viewpoint as well. The less developed countries which lack oil reserves, a significant part of the budget have to be kept to buy oil. Foreign currency moves out of the country and those countries fail to break the vicious circle of ineq uality. An average automobile in United States achieves a fuel economy of 11.6Km/kg. The economy is equivalent to the rate of energy consumption. The figure is 2.5MJ/km for OECD countries. The extraction, transportation as well as refining of automotive fuel necessitate almost 20 percent of crude oil energy (Ulrich, 2006, 8). The usage of energy causes pollution to the environment. Now t is assumed that an individual owns a bicycle and uses it while travelling. Such activities cause zero